Soapstone uniform edition is a generalist jewel princess that deals magic damage Attire was available for purchase since 23th of April, 19, then separated into an alternative playable character that gave a bonus score multiplier in Lightweaver ~ Scarlet Lotus 1 copy of of Soapstone (Uniform) was given to any player who owned the alternate costume before the playable versionBrowsing Authors 芹野いつき The Doujinshi & Manga LexiconSoapstone is a spellcaster jewel princess that deals magic damage, debuted in the Jewel Tales ~ Flos Ferri event Weapon Agility Armor HP Amulet Freeze, Petrify, Stun, Restrain, Paralysis, Silence Material Damage Dealt, Critical Damage Dealt, Block, Counter Steatite is also known as soapstone, and this name is derived from its "soapy" feel and softness Soapstone represents 芹野いつき En Twitter 寒い日に見ると温かそうです笑 健康的で元気な感じ ネイちゃんやしまむーとはまた違いますねw 芹野いつき